Individual durability test or complete test program
Would you like to know how long your products will fulfill their functions under the specified requirements?
We carry out the necessary durability tests. The durability tests can be carried out in our test lab under defined environmental loads, such as vibration, temperature and/or humidity. Your test specimens can be controlled mechanically, electrically, pneumatically and hydraulically. All relevant functions and parameters are monitored and documented.
We would be happy to support you in deriving the right test profiles for meaningful tests from your product requirements and the relevant standards. You have also come to the right place when it comes to creating complete test programs.
Picture on the left: Testing the dynamic strength of an adhesive connection under the influence of temperature.
We carry out durability tests in our standard facilities, such as in climatic chambers or on shakers. However, we also design and build product specific and custom designed test fixtures, test set-ups or even entire test rigs for our customers.
Picture on the right: Alternating load test for solid joints