ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany
ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany
DIN EN IS0 17025:2018
Zuzenhausen / BW / Germany

Multi-sine test

Multi-sine test


The multi-sine test is a further development of the sine sweep test, in which several sine sweeps (components) pass through the frequency band simultaneously. The individual sine sweeps can have different profiles or amplitudes.

Picture on the right: Real multi-sine test with three simultaneous sine sweeps (recognizable by the crosses)

  1. Sweep: 80-234 Hz
  2. Sweep: 234-685 Hz
  3. Sweep: 685-2000 Hz
Real multisine test with three simultaneous sine sweeps (recognizable by the crosses) - Sweep: 80-234 Hz ​​- Sweep: 234-685 Hz - Sweep: 685-2000 Hz

Application using the example of automotive engineering

As multi-sine testing is performed with several sine sweeps simultaneously, it is used in particular for products with several natural frequencies. This can significantly reduce the test duration compared to sine sweep testing, in which the natural frequencies are excited one after the other.