ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen
ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen
DIN EN IS0 17025:2018
Zuzenhausen / BW / Germany

Temperature testing

From icy cold to baking hot

Cold, heat, cyclical temperatures lead to thermal loads

Materials change their properties depending on the temperature. In cold weather, elastomer seals lose their elasticity and can leak. Cars can no longer start in winter, as the car battery no longer has sufficient capacity.

In addition to the temperature level, the duration of exposure to temperature is also decisive for the thermal load. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures causes materials to age more quickly, which can reduce the lifetime of components.

Cyclic temperatures can cause mechanical, cyclic stresses in components made of materials with different temperature expansions. This can lead to thermo-mechanical fatigue of the components, such as the breakage of the copper wire in a coil overmoulded with plastic.

Thermal stress, for example when starting cold in winter
Thermal stress, for example when starting cold in winter

Temperature tests simulate the thermal loads

Temperature tests are used to simulate the thermal loads that occur in real life and to investigate their influence on the properties of materials or the function and durability of components or complete products. Common temperature tests are:

  • Heat test, constant
  • Cold test, constant
  • Temperature cycling test with specified rate of change
  • Temperature shock test (or thermal shock test, rapid temperature cycling test with specified transfer time)

Temperature cycling test

Temperature shock test

Diagram: One Temperature cycle of a temperature cycling test from -40°C to +150°C with a specified change of temperature (here: 1 K/min)
Diagram: One Temperature cycle of a temperature cycling test from -40°C to +150°C with a specified change of temperature (here: 1 K/min)
Diagram: Course of the ambient and test object temperature in a temperature-shock alternating test from -40°C to +140°C, in a two-chamber cabinet with a specified transfer time
Diagram: Course of the ambient and test specimen temperature of a temperature shock test from -40°C to +140°C, in a dual chamber oven with a specified transfer time of ≤ 10sec

We also carry out temperature tests with superimposed humidity. See climate tests.

Characteristic values of our climate test chambers:

Temperature range:-70°C bis +180°C
Humidity range:10% r. h. bis 95% r. h.
Rate of temperature change:bis 15 K/min
Usable test space (W x H x D):bis 1.100 x 950 x 950 mm

Characteristic values of our temperature shock test chambers:

Type:3-chamber system
(with transfer basket)
1-chamber "air to air" system
(fixed test room)
Transfer time:< 10 s< 10 s
Temperature range:-80°C bis 220°C-65°C bis 200°C

Do you have any questions about this topic?

» Send e-Mail «Herr Daniel Epp, Bachelor Professional, will be happy to advise you!
Phone: +49 6226 78908-16