Technical products have to withstand a variety of environmental influences during their life cycle. As an accredited testing laboratory, we have been carrying out the necessary tests and inspections for more than 25 years, both in accordance with current norms and standards and also for the individual requirements of our customers.
Our portfolio includes vibration and climatic tests, functional tests under climatic load and durability tests.
We test small mechatronic components as well as large and heavy modules for railroad technology. Our test laboratory provides a large selection of electro-dynamic and hydraulic shakers for this purpose. These are supplemented by various climatic chambers, such as a walk-in chamber for large-volume specimens or thermal shock chambers for accelerated testing of test specimen with low mass.
Contact interruptions of electrical plugs in the nsec range under dynamic load, dielectric strength of fuel cell stacks. These are just two examples of the many functions and product properties that we measure, monitor and analyze as part of environmental simulation.
Our instrument engineers are also happy to implement your special requirements and wishes. To this end, they develop individual LabView applications for our versatile measurement technology.
Would you like to know how long your newly developed product will perform under the specified conditions?
We carry out the necessary durability tests and provide the required testing technology on request. We also provide support in compiling suitable test profiles.
We work together with many partner laboratories and outsource tests that we cannot carry out ourselves to external partners. Here you benefit from our many years of experience and contacts in a wide variety of areas of complete testing. On request, we can support you in defining the testing programs and coordinate the execution of the tests.