ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany
ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany
DIN EN IS0 17025:2018
Zuzenhausen / BW / Germany
Moving mathematically

Numerical Simulation

Describing complex technical systems mathematically

With the help of numerical simulation, complex physical or technical systems are represented in a simplified form as a mathematical model in the form of differential equations. This allows real processes in the systems to be simulated (numerically). Numerical simulation is usually used when the complexity of a system is so great that an analytical solution is not possible or not sufficiently accurate.

Picture right: FEM simulation of a dynamic stress. The deformations are shown enlarged for clarity

Advantages of numerical simulation

Since numerical simulation primarily requires geometries and material data as input parameters, initial calculations can be made early on in the product development. Changes to the boundary conditions (e.g. loads) and the system parameters (e.g. geometry, material) can then be quickly and easily examined for their effectiveness. In this way, a system (e.g. a new product) can be optimized at an early stage, even before the first prototype is available.

Numerical simulation at VIBTEC GmbH

FEM-supported modal analysis for the vibration optimization of test fixtures

We use numerical simulation in particular for the vibration-appropriate design of test fixtures for vibration testing. An FEM model is created from the CAD model for a new test fixture and the vibration characteristics (modal parameters) are calculated. The vibration behavior of the model is then optimized in iterative steps for the planned operating conditions. Once the test fixture is ready for use, its vibration behavior is checked again on the shaker.

Picture right: Mode shapes of a test fixture, calculated with FEM-supported modal analysis. The deformations are shown enlarged for clarity.

Experimental modal analysis (eMA)

To determine the structural-dynamic properties of new products

In contrast to FEM-based modal analysis, eMA involves measuring the modal parameters on the real product. A calculation model can be created from the modal parameters and the vibration behavior of the measured structure can be visualized. The visualization helps the developer to understand the vibration behavior of his product, to identify weak points and to optimize the product in terms of vibration.

On request, we can measure the vibration behavior of your components and provide you with the measurement results to create a calculation model. We measure both the natural mode shapes (modal parameters) on soft-mounted structures, excited by an impulse hammer, as well as the operational mode shapes on the electro-dynamic shaker, which generates the vibrations that occur during operation.

Further information can be found on the page experimental modal analysis.

Picture left: Vibration excitation with the impulse hammer at the eMA.

Numerical Simulation

Modalanalyse - Aufbau mit zwei Shaker

The eMA visualizes the structural dynamic properties of even complex components and helps to better understand their vibration behavior, both the natural mode shapes and the operational mode shapes.

Haben Sie Fragen zu diesem Themenbereich?

Herr M.Sc. Jens Mörk berät Sie gern! Telefon: +49 6226 78908-23 | E-Mail: jens.moerk@vibtec.de