ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany
ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany
DIN EN IS0 17025:2018
Zuzenhausen / BW / Germany

Sine-on Random test

Sine-on Random test


The Sine-on-Random test (SoR test) is a combination of the broadband random vibration test and the sine sweep test. One or more harmonic sinusoidal oscillations with a fixed or sliding frequency are superimposed on a random-shaped basic oscillation (broadband random vibration). The intensity or strength of the broadband random profile is characterized by the Power Spectral Density (PSD). It typically has the unit (m/s²)²/Hz or g²/Hz.

Real test profile for a multi-sine-on-random test (SoR test) with random vibration content and four superimposed sine sweeps
Real test profile for a multi-sine-on-random test (SoR test) with random vibration content and four superimposed sine sweeps

Application using the example of vehicle and aircraft construction

SoR tests are used for products that are exposed to both random and sinusoidal vibration excitations in real operation. Components in vehicles or airplanes often experience sinusoidal excitation from the drive units in addition to the random vibration load from the environment. With the help of the SoR test, both types of excitation can be demonstrated simultaneously in accordance with practical use.

Area of ​​application for SoR tests, example: cable harnesses in aircraft construction