ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany
ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany
DIN EN IS0 17025:2018
Zuzenhausen / BW / Germany

A career woman at VIBTEC GmbH: Interview with Katrin Huschke

START > News english > A career woman at VIBTEC GmbH: Interview with Katrin Huschke

“I enjoy working in an innovative, young team.”

Ms. Huschke, would you like to introduce yourself?

I am 22 years old and live with my boyfriend in Angelbachtal. I graduated from school in 2018 and then went straight into training as a mechatronics engineer. I successfully completed this at the beginning of 2022. After that, I initially worked full-time in a horse riding stable until I joined VIBTEC.

How long have you been working at VIBTEC GmbH and how did you hear about VIBTEC?

I have been working here since 01.01.2023. My friend recommended VIBTEC to me because of the good working atmosphere. As he works for a company that is a VIBTEC customer, he has already been here a few times and had a good impression. When I saw the job advertisement on the website, I knew that I definitely wanted to apply.

Did you also apply somewhere else and why did you choose VIBTEC?

Yes, I applied to several companies in the area. I received a few rejections due to a lack of professional experience. In the end, however, I had several acceptances and decided in favor of VIBTEC. The main reasons for this were the family like atmosphere and the good working climate, which left a lasting impression during the trial period.

What is your field of activity at VIBTEC?

I am employed as a mechatronics technician. At the moment, my tasks comprise setting up test specimens on the shakers and repairing power modules. These are part of the amplifier and belong to the vibration test systems. I am also supposed to help set up the electrical lab and later take over its management. This is where electrical measurements are carried out on test specimens, for example to check the insulation resistance. Recently, the temperature and climate tests were added, which I am now gradually taking over, as the colleague responsible has unfortunately left.

Has this always been your dream job? If not, what did you originally have in mind?

I used to be very torn between professions involving animals and technical professions. On the one hand, I wanted to become a vet or a horse farmer, but on the other hand, I also enjoyed helping my father with manual and technical work at home. In the end, I decided to go for the technical profession, as most jobs with animals don’t pay well. I was also worried that it would take the fun out of my hobby. Thanks to my training as a mechatronics technician, I have an exciting job that I enjoy and the chance to finance my hobby.

What do you particularly like about your work?

What I like most is the mix and variety of the work. When repairing the power modules, I have to get involved every time and start troubleshooting. Sometimes they are easy to see and sometimes there are many hidden faults you have to find first. This is sometimes very tiring for the mind.. This contrasts with the setup of test specimens on the shakers. There are usually similar hand movements and it is more physically demanding.

What is it like to work in a male-dominated profession with mainly male colleagues?

I am very comfortable here. The tone is sometimes a bit harsher than it would be in a female-dominated field (at least I think so, as I’ve never worked in one). Most of the time, there’s always a stupid remark on someone’s lips. Then they say something back, everyone laughs and we move on. On the other hand, it’s no problem when I say that’s enough or that I’m not feeling well. It’s accepted immediately and they hold back.

Why do you think so few women choose this profession?

I suspect it’s because the job is physically demanding and you sometimes get dirty. I also have the impression that there are fewer women than men who are enthusiastic about technology.

And how is the general working atmosphere?

I find the working atmosphere very relaxed. When there’s a lot to do, everyone lends a hand and supports each other. When it’s a bit quieter in between, people sometimes make a joke. All in all, everyone is very nice to each other.

How are the working conditions?

We normally work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and have a one-hour lunch break. There is a well-equipped kitchen for the lunch break, or you can sit down at your desk to eat. Otherwise, my work is a mixture of physically demanding work and mental work.

What further training opportunities do you have at VIBTEC?

Initially, a crane and forklift operator’s license are planned. This will probably be followed by a shaker course and training on temperature and climate tests.

May I ask what you do in your private life? What are you interested in (hobbies) – and whether this perhaps has anything to do with your job?

In my free time, I actually do nothing that is related to my job. I currently have two dogs and a horse, which I spend most of my free time with. I regularly go to the training ground with the dogs and also do sports at home. With the horse, I train for competitions that are planned for next year.

Thank you very much for the detailed answers to our questions and continue your success at VIBTEC GMBH!