ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany
ende +49 6226 78908 - 0 Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr info@vibtec.de Im Rohrbusch 17, 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany
DIN EN IS0 17025:2018
Zuzenhausen / BW / Germany

New measuring device in use: SQuadriga III

System expansion in DAQ measurement technology

Procurement of new DAQ measurement technology in the form of SQuadriga III from Head Acoustics. The use of SQuadriga II, the predecessor model, has proven itself over the last few years.

From modal analyses and natural vibration investigations to sound pressure level measurements using a microphone and the measurement of pressure fluctuations in flow-through pipes – With the right sensors, a wide variety of variables can be recorded and subsequently analyzed. However, the requirements for an ever-growing number of measuring channels for a wide diversity of sensors meant that we had reached the limits of the existing system. With SQuadriga III, we now have the capability to expand our existing system and double the number of channels to 16. This means that even larger metrological projects can be realized efficiently and reliably.

In addition, SQuadriga III can of course also be used as a stand-alone measuring system so that it can work independently of the already existing system.

SQuadrigaIII - Modal und Betriebsformanalyse
SQuadrigaIII – experimental and operational modal analysis